Monday, June 19, 2006

I heard the news today, oh boy

I was traveling yesterday, and got home at about 10 pm, so am probably the last plugged-in Episcopalian to hear of the election of Katharine Jefferts Schori as Presiding Bishop.

My reaction (after "It's a girl!") was that there were some very qualified people in the running, so she must have made a big impression to be a clear favorite. Then I thought "boy, are some people going to be whining non-stop about the naughty Americans again". *eyeroll*

Micah was there and here is his account of the moment.

The expected conservative fuming has been visible on the Ship of Fools fora today. I don't want to go near the ""reasserter"" blogs. It all sounds like "Girls have cooties!" to me.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Ordination Day

Blessings and congratulations to those who were ordained today, the day between the Feast of the Giving of the Book (Shavuot) and the Feast of the Giving of the Spirit (Pentecost): Karen, Micah, and others (Chris?).