Friday, April 06, 2007

Maundy Thursday 2007

It was a beautiful and moving service: footwashing, procession to the Chapel of Repose, stripping of the altar.

I was exceedingly cranky when it started. Maundy Thursday is the busiest day of the year for the Altar Guild, my back hurt like crazy, I had a headache, and I seemed to be about the only person backstage who had a clue what was going on. But as it progressed, I felt the burden of the crankiness lift. I think the collective singing during the footwashing really did it for me - hearing us sing "Ubi caritas" is heavenly. I was next to the kidlet's carpeted area, and briefly considered flopping myself down on it to let the music wash over me.

I am one of the worker bees in the parish, so I usually don't see the stripping of the altar (or hear Pange Lingua, for that matter). This year, I was in the chapel at the time the Sacrament was processed in, to catch the garments and get them out of there before the watch, so I not only got to hear the music, I was "ahead of the game" which reduced the frustration factor considerably.

My cohorts sent me off early, because I had been there early and hauled the candlesticks, etc., out like a good girl, and I decided to go sit in the chapel with Jesus. As I was sitting, the choir recessed through it, singing "Watch and Pray". Glorious.

And as I brought the last torch back in through the empty, darkened chancel, the smell of the newly buffed wood was sweet indeed.


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