Sunday, November 06, 2005

For all the saints

I was completely and utterly fried after a long week with lots to do at work and lots to do on evenings and weekends. I spent most of yesterday afternoon gibbering.

This morning I *really* had no obligations at St. Spike's, so I slept in till about 8:15 (I had been awakened at 4 with the call phone, and conked back out), played U2's "Mysterious Ways" in an attempt to get motivated and moving, had breakfast, and jumped in the car with seriously damp hair. I thought I was going to be on-the-dot of 10, or in for the first hymn, but I was actually "early".

Good thing, too, as the opening hymn - all eight verses of "For all the Saints" in the ECUSA hymnal - finished the braincell rearrangement that had started with U2. It was indeed a joyful noise and a fine festival day. But I almost didn't know what to do being left to my own devices during coffee hour ;).

I got a compliment for staying well away from the sacristry (from the guy who was MC for all three of the special liturgies we've had recently).

The music cure continues. I have a lesson to prep for my EFM class, and the house needs to be picked up in a way that allows the housecleaners to do their thing. But Showing Up and not having to Do Anything but Go With the Flow was a Good Thing.


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