Sunday, January 04, 2004

Happy New Year

Well, I sat down on NYD to blog some, but apparently lots of people had the same idea. Had a nice, restful (if somewhat wet) octave of Christmas. Got some cool presents. Had a lovely time with parents at Christmas and with friends on NY (party, and "The Return of the King"). Am feeling better and drinking coffee! And I have even studied some for my exams today! That feels good to not procrastinate. I will do some more in a bit, then go off and run some errands. The sun is shining and the housecleaners are coming tomorrow.

This RotK parody pretty well sums that movie up, although I very much enjoyed all of the parts that didn't have Mordor scenery or scary orcs and spiders in them. Why didn't I make the explicit connection between the Rohirrim and the Norsemen before? Visuals help on some of this. Of course I hadn't given Tolkien much thought for the last thirty years - found out recently that he had lived in Edgbaston, Birmingham, where I attended university for a year.


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