Sunday, July 20, 2003

A beautiful Sunday

Since I'm on call this weekend, I didn't expect to be able to go to church, but I had to go in this morning (long story). Fortunately, thanks to Sara at Going Jesus, I was reminded of the Ship of Fools.

Am tired now since it was a long day yesterday doing nothing much except being on call, and didn't get a lot of sleep. Will have to get in the office extra early tomorrow to wrap it up as well. One of the worst things about it (besides having my sleep disturbed) was that the operators completely distorted what I said on the phone, which of course went out to management. Bleah.

Did get a short turn in the garden just now, and while the weeds are getting out of control again (have I been home? not much. have I been well enough when I have been? no), the fig is figging, the pear tree has baby pears on it, the lemon tree is weighted down with fruit (which is ripe enough to twist off in my hands), and the Gertrude Jekyll rose is putting on a nice rebloom. The cat wanted to go out and she was ready to come back in before I was. She really does only want to be out there for about fifteen minutes. I didn't even have a chance to come back in and set the timer; she was waiting on the back stoop.

I've seen some butterflies other than the usual Gulf Fritillary (well, they're usual in MY yard; they love the passiflora) and common whites. I think one light yellow-colored one was an Anise Swallowtail. It was moving pretty fast but it looks like one that I got a better look at a while back.

Plan for rest of day:

Install network card and DSL
See if PC still works
Maybe go outside again to pick some roses
Tidy up house (cleaners coming tomorrow, but it's in reasonable shape)


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